samedi 06 juillet 2024 15h26

Slovenia reaches out to the Middle East Travelers with the new concept of anti-stress programme

Publié le mardi 03 mars 2020
 Slovenia reaches out to the Middle East Travelers with the new concept of anti-stress programme

Slovenia reaches out to the Middle East Travelers with the new concept of anti-stress programme

With almost a thousand years of coexistence with nature, Slovenia has successfully managed to preserve the natural environment and cultural identity of which we can be part nowdays.

Slovenia, a country of beekeepers, hikers, and a striking number of Olympic medallists, they stay active and in the open air. For the 2020 spring Slovenia comes with the power of nature, a new concept of anti-stress programme at Plesnik Hotel in Logar Valley. Ideally suited for those who wish to renew their energy and relax their body, mind and soul.

The programe combines pure energies from the breathtaking area of Logar Valley as well as great other authentic experiences.
It will help you connect your senses with five elements: air, fire, water, earth and wind. A combination of yoga and the Ayurvedic anti-stress programme will help tourists relax their body, mind and soul.

Meditation, the healing sounds of plants, and talks with therapists will have a long-lasting impact on health and well-being.
To fortify health and well-being, visitors will listen to the sounds of nature, the rushing waters of waterfalls, the deafening silence of forests and let the touch of nature invigorate them.

Additionally, a set of carefully designed unique experiences awaits those who choose to live this unique experience, among them caressing herbs, barefoot walking, tree hugging and outdoor breakfast.


I FEEL SLOVENIA Middle East Office


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